Coronavirus Perspective - October 19, 2020
Coronavirus continues to spread. Over 225 million have died. Moving into Winter cases are expected to rise and be compounded by the onset of Influenza season which also can overwhelm hospitals.
There are a few well known simple things that we can and should all do to control the spread of COVID-19 and go about our lives while protecting ourselves and others.
- Wear a mask
- Wash your hands
- Social distance and avoid large gatherings
- Stay home when you are sick
There continues to be resistance to mask wearing which is counterproductive to slowing the spread and unduly places others at risk. I recently ran across a social media post that I think sums it up very well. While these are not my words, I think that the sentiment is spot on.
“I have been wearing a mask in my office and in stores (and limiting my trips) since March when this whole thing went down. I’m not sure how being considerate to others for the common good is now being mocked by some who are calling it “living in fear”, but it needs to stop!! When I wear a mask over my nose and mouth in public and in the stores/Supermarkets/Pharmacies/Offices - I want you to know the following:
- I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.
- No, I don't "live in fear" of the virus; I just want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
- I don't feel like the "government controls me". I feel like I'm an adult contributing to the security in our society and I want to teach others the same.
- If we could all live with the consideration of others in mind, the whole world would be a much better place.
- Wearing a mask doesn't make me weak, scared, stupid or even "controlled". It makes me caring and responsible.
- When you think about your appearance, discomfort, or other people's opinion of you, imagine a loved one - a child, father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle or even a stranger - placed on a ventilator, alone without you or any family member allowed at their bedside.....Ask yourself if you could have helped them a little by wearing a mask.”
Please wear a mask and wear it responsibly, covering your nose and mouth. Keep your hands away from your face and wash your hands regularly. If you are using cloth masks, wash then regularly.
Please be careful and take steps to remain healthy! We are accepting new patients.
- Dr. Amy Davis
- Tags: Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
Hidden Lessons from the Pandemic
This chaotic time of COVID-19 is full of challenges. Initially there was fear and little information about this new strain of coronavirus. The “experts” had a different opinion daily with inconsistent advice. The lockdown was rapidly implemented. Schools and universities closed. E-learning began. Parents had to adjust rapidly to this while trying to work from home. Social distancing and mask wearing were implemented. Shortages were experienced. Important events were missed – graduations, proms, weddings, birthdays and even funerals. So many rapid adjustments and loss has created a great deal of stress.
It’s been a rare opportunity to slow down and figure out what is most important in life and to find peace. What a gift! It is like stepping back to simpler times when cell phones and the internet didn’t exist and our society was less busy, more connected. I am incredibly grateful for the lessons learned.
- Gratefulness – for family, friends, co-workers, health, health care workers and essential workers.
- Faith – there is purpose for everything that happens and we will be alright, maybe better for it.
- Balance – extra sleep (builds the adrenal bank account and enhances resilience), relaxation, gardening, cooking and walks in nature.
- Relationships - reconnecting, strengthening partnerships, talking to your kids, eating with family.
- Social connection – so missed and the desire to reconnect, strong – We are a very disconnected society and the shutdown has taken this to the extreme. Now we are truly aware of what we were missing. I’ve been leaving my phone at home on purpose!
- Ingenuity - there is a big push to find solutions for working at home and communicating with co-workers, clients, friends and family. Zoom has become a household word and is facilitating telehealth, meetings, teaching and even art classes from home. The shortage of masks and hand sanitizers led to DIY masks and sanitizers that work.
- Preparedness – We are much more aware and better prepared for a possible second wave of Coronavirus cases which could be worse than the first.
- Creativity – There is time to explore new interests. Art, cooking, gardening, games, bicycling or writing.
- Mindfulness – It’s been an excellent time for solitude, breathing, meditation, being in nature and just being still and sitting with feelings to process them.
- Simplifying – Decluttering feels so freeing.
Slowing down and finding a healthier balance reduces stress which benefits immunity, energy, resilience, mental clarity and overall health.
Stay safe, and I wish you the Best of Health!
Amy Davis M.D.
- Dr. Amy Davis
Dr. Davis’s Thoughts on the Coronavirus – April 16, 2020
As the Coronavirus pandemic continues the need for supporting a balanced and healthy immune system continues to be very important. Cases in the United States has almost doubled in the last week (660,000 US, and over 2 million worldwide) though there seems to be some stabilization from social distancing. Clearly the amount of infections remains very high. Fortunately, hospitals are keeping up though they are very stressed.
The suggestions I am making below are based on my experience dealing with many infections that have not responded to traditional pharmaceutical supports. There is no cure for Coronavirus but there are things you can do to support your immune system and there are herbal formulas available that have antiviral qualities. I use Olive Leaf and Myrrh blends routinely for viral infections like influenza A and B with very nice improvement in symptoms and duration of the course of the infection. Obviously if anyone develops severe symptoms of respiratory distress suspicious of worsening COVID-19 they should proceed to the emergency room for evaluation and treatment.
The Coronavirus continues to spread – 660,000 cases in US currently. The testing for Coronavirus is still only available for those with more severe symptoms. There is the possibility of antibody testing in the coming weeks but that will take time to be widely available. Antibody testing will help us know who has been exposed by the presence of antibodies but not if there is active infection. The true number of cases and spread is unknown. It’s really sobering to experience this pandemic and its implications on our health and daily lives.
Top Supports that May be helpful during this time.
- Olive Leaf – available as spagyrically processed liquid or as capsules. For liquid forms I recommend 2-4 droppers twice per day (swish and swallow with water to coat the mouth and throat) Higher more frequent dosing if infected. Capsular form dose would be 1-2 capsules twice per day. Capsules tend to not taste bad but also may not be quite as effective. We currently have Olive Leaf Intrinsic in stock. My preference is the liquid forms of Olive Leaf Intrinsic. With any sign of infection I would take at least 4 droppers 4 times per day.
- Myrrh Blend – spagyrically processed herbal blend that supports the lower respiratory tree. I recommend 2-4 droppers twice per day. Higher doses if infected. – Currently we have Myrrh Intrinsic in stock. With any sign of infection I would take at least 4 droppers 4 times per day.
- Mycelia Intrinsic – medicinal mushroom blend that supports the immune system. This is a liquid and tastes good – 30 drops twice per day as preventative and immune supporter.
- Echina Intrinsic – A nice blend of herbals that support a healthy immune response. Recommended as a preventative – 30 drops twice per day. Not recommended during infection.
- Immunitone Plus –This formula is designed to support a healthy immune system during cold and flu season. It supports Natural Killer cell function which is the first line of defense against viral invasion. The recommended dose is 2 capsules twice per day as a preventative and support of the immune system. Supply on this may be limited.
- Immune Booster Package – We created a package at a 20$ discount and free shipping that contains Olive Leaf Intrinsic, Myrrh Intrinsic, Mycelia Intrinsic and Echina Intrinsic. It is available on our online store
Note – Personally, I think the liquid herbals work better overall. The combination of Mycelia Intrinsic with Echina Intrinsic contains similar ingredients as Immunitone Plus but I think may be more effective in the liquid formulations. Immunitone Plus is a capsular form of medicinal mushrooms and herbals which some people prefer. So, I would take Immunitone Plus OR Mycelia Intrinsic and Echina Intrinsic together but not all 3.
- Turmeric – Helps to maintain a normal inflammatory and immune balance. These types of products may be helpful to prevent the over response of the immune system that appears to be part of the coronavirus picture and can be so deadly to some. A variety of products are available - e.g. Turiva, Bio-A Curcumin Phytosome, Cytoquel and InflammaBlox are some products that contain turmeric that balance the immune response. Curcum-Evail chewables are available which are easy for children and taste really good (Mango flavored). Take your pick. I would have one of these on hand in the event of infection.
Note: The suggested dosing above are general guidelines. Doses may need to be adjusted according to the individual and whether they are in a preventative phase or actually suspect they have coronavirus. I am available for consultations, telehealth visits or remote Zyto visits.
CBTH Orders and Visits
- Our online store is com. Any of the supplements discussed can be ordered on that site.
- Keeping up with your current individualized plan is important. We have been able to keep up with supplies so far.
- We are currently offering free shipments for orders over $100 dollars. All orders are currently being shipped and all sales are final.
- We are currently not seeing patients at the Crossing Back to Health office, but Dr. Davis is available for phone consultations (Zoom also available) and Remote Zyto evaluations. Call 636 778-9158 to make appointments.
- Zyto handsets are available at the online store ( and evaluations can be done in the convenience of your home keeping all safe from exposure to coronavirus.
What can you do to help keep you and your family remain safe and healthy?
- Eat Healthy – Avoid stress eating junk food. Try to stick to a healthy diet.
- Get plenty of sleep – this reduces stress, supports the adrenals and supports the immune system
- Practice strict social distancing – 6 feet, no hand shaking, hugging. Asymptomatic people are spreading the infection as well. Stay home unless absolutely necessary to go out.
- Wash hands often – soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Use Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and allow to air dry. If you don’t have any you can still make some – 2/3 rubbing alcohol and 1/3 aloe vera gel. The groceries are intermittently having rubbing alcohol available now. Everclear (180 proof) alcohol is 90% alcohol and can be substituted for isopropyl alcohol (more expensive option). This has been available at the grocery. You can add essential oils to this to aid antimicrobial effect – tea tree oil, lemon, citrus blends, eucalyptus, rosemary etc. There is lots of information on the internet on this. Rocky Mountain Essential oils is a good clean company and still have a supply of these oils for a good price.
- Disposable gloves – good to wear if you go into the grocery store. Be careful how you remove them so not to contaminate yourself. Gloves can still be purchased.
- Don’t touch your face, mouth, eyes, nose where virus is likely to enter.
- Cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
- Face Masks – should be worn when you are out to protect you and others from spread of the virus. I have put some videos on our Crossing Back to Health Facebook page for facemasks that require sewing and ones that don’t require sewing. N95 which means it blocks 95% of transmission including viral. Viruses are very tiny pathogens and can penetrate a typical mask or scarf. There are furnace filters that are N95 and available on Amazon. They can be broken down and a small piece can be inserted into a face mask pocket to enhance the protectiveness.
I’ve seen no sew face masks made from old t-shirts, old leggings and handkerchiefs. Be creative with it!
- If you are sick stay at home. If you can isolate yourself from your family, please do so. Coronavirus is highly contagious.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently. Disinfecting wipes are in short supply, but you can easily make a disinfectant solution from household bleach. 1/3 to ½ cup bleach to 1 gallon of water is very effective in killing germs. If only making a quart of solution, then use 2 Tablespoons of bleach. Remember to clean doorknobs, countertops, phones, light switches, computer equipment – especially the keyboard.
- Stress Reduction – take the time to breath, relax, sleep, read a good book, walk, laugh, reconnect, meditate etc.
- Get Plenty of SLEEP! Sleep is very important for a healthy immune system and adrenals. Lack of sleep strains the adrenals and leads to poor resilience.
Follow up on Facebook for more updated information.
Dr. Amy Davis M.D.
Crossing Back to Health
- Dr. Amy Davis
Dr. Davis’s Thoughts on the Coronavirus – April 7, 2020
Last week my e-mail attempted to be more comprehensive in my recommendations and it’s clear that people are really looking for what do I need to do now. In response to that I will simplify my recommendations to those supports that I think are most important for current prevention and support with coronavirus infections. Keep in mind these are suggestions based on my experience dealing with many infections that have not responded to traditional pharmaceutical supports.
The Coronavirus continues to spread – 367,000 cases in US. 336,000 are active. The testing in the St. Louis area is improving but still limited to more significant cases. The true number of cases and spread is unknown. It’s really sobering to experience this pandemic and its implications on our health and daily lives.
Top Supports that May be helpful during this time.
- Olive Leaf – available as spagyrically processed liquid or as capsules. For liquid forms I recommend 2-4 droppers twice per day (swish and swallow with water to coat the mouth and throat) Higher more frequent dosing if infected. Capsular form dose would be 1-2 capsules twice per day. Capsules tend to not taste bad but also may not be quite as effective. We carry both Core Olive Leaf and Olive Leaf Intrinsic. They work equally well. My preference is the liquid forms. With any sign of infection I would take at least 4 droppers 4 times per day.
- Myrrh Blend – spagyrically processed herbal blend that supports the lower respiratory tree. I recommend 2-4 droppers twice per day. Higher doses if infected. – Currently we have Myrrh Intrinsic in stock. With any sign of infection I would take at least 4 droppers 4 times per day.
- Mycelia – medicinal mushroom blend that supports the immune system. This is a liquid and tastes good – 30 drops twice per day as preventative and immune supporter.
- Echina Intrinsic – A nice blend of herbals that support a healthy immune response. Recommended as a preventative – 30 drops twice per day. Not recommended during infection.
- Immunitone Plus –This formula is designed to support a healthy immune system during cold and flu season. It supports Natural Killer cell function which is the first line of defense against viral invasion. The recommended dose is 2 capsules twice per day as a preventative and support of the immune system. Supply on this may be limited.
Note – Personally, I think the liquid herbals work better overall. The combination of Mycelia Intrinsic with Echina Intrinsic contains similar ingredients as Immunitone Plus but I think may be more effective in the liquid formulations. Immunitone Plus is a capsular form of medicinal mushrooms and herbals which some people prefer. So, I would take Immunitone Plus OR Mycelia Intrinsic and Echina Intrinsic together but not all 3.
- Turmeric – Helps to maintain a normal inflammatory and immune balance. These types of products may be helpful to prevent the over response of the immune system that appears to be part of the coronavirus picture and can be so deadly to some. A variety of products are available - e.g. Turiva, Bio-A Curcumin Phytosome, Cytoquel and InflammaBlox are some products that contain turmeric that balance the immune response. Curcum-Evail chewables are available which are easy for children and taste really good (Mango flavored). Take your pick. I would have one of these on hand in the event of infection.
Note: The suggested dosing above are general guidelines. Doses may need to be adjusted according to the individual and whether they are in a preventative phase or actually suspect they have coronavirus. I am available for consultations or remote visits.
CBTH Orders and Visits
- Our online store is com. Any of the supplements discussed can be ordered on that site.
- Keeping up with your current individualized plan is important. We have been able to keep up with supplies so far.
- We are currently offering free shipments for orders over $100 dollars. All orders are currently being shipped and all sales are final.
- We are currently not seeing patients at the Crossing Back to Health office, but Dr. Davis is available for phone consultations and Remote Zyto evaluations. Call 636 778-9158 to make appointments.
- Zyto handsets are available at the online store ( and evaluations can be done in the convenience of your home keeping all safe from exposure to coronavirus.
What can you do to help keep you and your family remain safe and healthy?
- Eat Healthy – Avoid stress eating junk food. Try to stick to a healthy diet.
- Get plenty of sleep – this reduces stress, supports the adrenals and supports the immune system
- Practice strict social distancing – 6 feet, no hand shaking, hugging. Asymptomatic people are spreading the infection as well. Stay home unless absolutely necessary to go out.
- Wash hands often – soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Use Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and allow to air dry. If you don’t have any you can still make some – 2/3 rubbing alcohol and 1/3 aloe vera gel. The groceries are intermittently having rubbing alcohol available now. Everclear (180 proof) alcohol is 90% alcohol and can be substituted for isopropyl alcohol (more expensive option). This has been available at the grocery. You can add essential oils to this to aid antimicrobial effect – tea tree oil, lemon, citrus blends, eucalyptus, rosemary etc. There is lots of information on the internet on this. Rocky Mountain Essential oils is a good clean company and still have a supply of these oils for a good price.
- Disposable gloves – good to wear if you go into the grocery store. Be careful how you remove them so not to contaminate yourself. Gloves can still be purchased.
- Don’t touch your face, mouth, eyes, nose where virus is likely to enter.
- Cough or sneeze into your sleeve.
- Face Masks – should be worn when you are out to protect you and others from spread of the virus. I have put some videos on our Crossing Back to Health Facebook page for facemasks that require sewing and ones that don’t require sewing. N95 which means it blocks 95% of transmission including viral. Viruses are very tiny pathogens and can penetrate a typical mask or scarf. There are furnace filters that are N95 and available on Amazon. They can be broken down and a small piece can be inserted into a face mask pocket to enhance the protectiveness.
I’ve seen no sew face masks made from old t-shirts, old leggings and handkerchiefs. Be creative with it!
- If you are sick stay at home. If you can isolate yourself from your family, please do so. Coronavirus is highly contagious.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently. Disinfecting wipes are in short supply, but you can easily make a disinfectant solution from household bleach. 1/3 to ½ cup bleach to 1 gallon of water is very effective in killing germs. If only making a quart of solution, then use 2 Tablespoons of bleach. Remember to clean doorknobs, countertops, phones, light switches, computer equipment – especially the keyboard.
- Stress Reduction – take the time to breath, relax, sleep, read a good book, walk, laugh, reconnect, meditate etc.
- Get Plenty of SLEEP! Sleep is very important for a healthy immune system and adrenals. Lack of sleep strains the adrenals and leads to poor resilience.
Follow up on Facebook for more updated information.
I hope this e-mail finds you and your families safe and well. Please be careful during this trying time.
Dr. Amy Davis M.D.
Crossing Back to Health
Online store:
636 778-9158
- Dr. Amy Davis
- Tags: Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Davis’s Thoughts on the Coronavirus Pandemic – April 1, 2020
The Coronavirus continues to spread – 600% increase in Missouri cases this week according to the St. Louis Post Dispatch based on Johns Hopkins data. This was the largest increase in the country. The first infant died in Illinois this weekend. The testing in the St. Louis area is improving but still limited to more significant cases. The true number of cases and spread is unknown. It’s really sobering to experience this pandemic and its implications on our health and daily lives.
Supports that May be helpful during this time.......
- Wendy Robin